Burgentour zur Ruine Farnsburg

Castle Tour to the Farnsburg Ruin

On this varied hike, you will be tempted by surprising views and, as a highlight, the ruins of Farnsburg Castle with its 700-year history.

Information about the hike
Distance: 4,4 km
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Altitude difference: 191m / 191m
Difficulty: varied & rarely difficult

Hiking with the stroller

Stroller tour (6.5 km) to the Farnsburg Ruin: LINK

Safety advice
Please supervise your children when visiting castles: there are exposed (and sometimes slippery) places and steep slopes.
Behavior in nature: Further information: Forest etiquette Switzerland

Tips for beginners
The video series "Like to Hike" gives you tips for a safe and enjoyable hike.

Castle Tour to the Farnsburg Ruin

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Broschüre Burgen-Touren

Broschüre Burgen-Touren

Entdecke 7 spannende Burgen und verschiedene Wanderungen inkl. Kinderwagen-Routen.



4466 Ormalingen

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