
Castle tours

Fancy a trip back in time?
To castles, knights and countesses? So let's go!

The undulating hills and green forests of Baselland are filled with ancient stories. Massive walls and eerie ruins tell of the people who once lived there. You will feel it when you visit them.

Mit Baschi auf der Ruine Farnsburg

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Broschüre Burgen-Touren

Broschüre Burgen-Touren

Entdecke 7 spannende Burgen und verschiedene Wanderungen inkl. Kinderwagen-Routen.


Baselland Ruine Homburg Fotograf Jan Geerk 2
Baselland Waldenburg hd2 0487
Birseck Wanderland Baselland Jan Geerk 2020
Baselland Ruine Homburg Fotograf Jan Geerk 1
Ruine Pfeffingen Baselland 2020 Jan Geerk
Schloss Wildenstein Baselland Jan Geerk 2020

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