Fire spectacle
Bild: Bild:
Fire spectacle in the old town
Fire spectacle
Bild: Bild:
Fire spectacle in the old town


By far the most popular custom in the Basel region is the Chienbäse. It takes place in Liestal on the Sunday after Ash Wednesday, the evening before the Morgenstraich. Several hundred Chienbäsen bearers carry their self-made pine brooms burning through the ‘Stedtli’.

Numerous fire wagons are also pulled along in the procession. Tens of thousands of people attend the hellish spectacle of the archaic fire burning. The flames and the shower of sparks in the darkened Old Town are a very special experience.

Parade route
The procession starts at 7.15 pm. The route starts in Burgstrasse, Rathausstrasse, Rebgasse, Gerbergasse and ends at the lower Gestadeckplatz (Rosenmund junction). Click here for the route plan.

How to get there
Travelling by public transport is recommended. Guests staying overnight in the canton of Basel-Landschaft travel free of charge on public transport with the Guest pass+.

Chienbäse Liestal
Chienbäse, Liestal
Chienbäse, Liestal
Chienbäse, Liestal
Chienbäse, Liestal

Chienbäse preparations 2023

Important informations about the Chienbäse

What is the Chienbäse parade?

The Chienbäse parade on the evening of Carnival Sunday is certainly unique and an undisputed highlight of our region. Pipers and tambourines play their piccolo and tambourine marches and lead a long procession through the centre of Liestal. They are followed by Chienbäse bearers and the ‘Füürwägeler’. The flames of the fire wagons flicker up to the gables of the closely built old town houses. Around 300 Chienbäse and around 20 fire wagons radiate an enormous amount of heat, which heats up the many thousands of local and foreign visitors.

When does the Chienbäse parade take place?

It takes place on the Sunday after Ash Wednesday, the evening before the morning prank, in Liestal.

2025: Sunday, 9 March
2026: Sunday, 22 February
2027: Sunday, 14 February
2028: Sunday, 5 March
2029: Sunday, 18 February
2030: Sunday, 10 March

When does the Chienbäse parade start?

The parade starts at 7.15 pm.

Do I need a ticket for the Chienbäse parade?

No, you can visit the parade without a ticket and free of charge.

Where does the Chienbäse take place?

The route starts in Burgstrasse, Rathausstrasse, Rebgasse, Gerbergasse and ends at the lower Gestadeckplatz (Rosenmund junction). --> See route map.

Where can I park my car?

We strongly recommend travelling to Liestal by public transport. Guests staying overnight in the canton of Basel-Landschaft travel free of charge on public transport with the Guest Pass+.

If you are dependent on a car, we recommend parking your vehicle in one of the local car parks or in the surrounding area. Be sure to follow the instructions of the traffic service.

What should I wear for the Chienbäse parade?

We recommend old, appropriate clothing, no highly flammable materials (burn holes) and good shoes.

What do I need to consider in terms of safety?

The Chienbäse and fire wagons are not only beautiful to look at, but also harbour dangers. Please note that you take part in the event at your own risk. For your safety, we ask you to observe the following rules:

  • Keep sufficient distance from the fire wagons and the Chienbäs carriers.
  • Children must be kept back at all times during the procession. We recommend that you do not attend the procession in the middle of the Stedtli, but rather in the lower part towards the ‘Ausbrennplatz’, where the rows of spectators have already thinned out somewhat.
  • Children under the age of 6 may watch the fire from a distance outside the parade route.
  • Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent.
  • Children do not belong on the shoulders of adults during the Chienbäse parade. The heat is much greater there.
  • The setting off of fireworks is strictly forbidden!
  • People with health problems and people with walking difficulties are strongly advised not to walk along the route of the parade.
  • Stay exclusively on the pavement before and during the parade.
  • Do not cross the road under any circumstances.
  • It is dangerous to take photographs on the road along the route of the procession (it is not possible to judge the distance with a camera lens) and should therefore be avoided.
  • Keep an escape route clear at all times.
  • Attention flying sparks: No liability is accepted for fire damage.

The security staff are authorised to turn you away if you do not comply with these rules. The organisers thank you for your understanding.

Where does the Chienbäse parade get its name from?

Eugen Stutz, a master confectioner born in 1904 in Kanonengasse, can be considered the father of the Chienbäse parade in its current form. He was popularly known as ‘Stutze-Geni’. It is believed that a baker came up with the idea of making a Chienbäse because bakers used pine wood almost exclusively to heat their ovens in those days and favoured ‘Chien’, the wood that is particularly rich in resin.

You can read the history of the Chienbäse HERE.

Which hotels are suitable for an overnight stay?

You can find all hotel offers in Liestal HERE.



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